CertExams.com Converted to Responsive Website

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CertExams.com, a leading netsim and labsims website, has been converted to a fully responsive website. Previously, the site was using different sites for desktop and mobile devices. A responsive design uses the same web page (same URL) for both desktop and mobile devices, offering a unified approach to design and development for various platforms. The conversion has been done by our own in-house software experts using open-source development tools. The advantage of responsive web are briefed below:

  • Unified URLs – With separate mobile and desktop sites, one needs to manage both the sites and keeping them in sync used to be a challenge. With responsive web, there will only one URL to deal with. The unified URL renders the page according to the client browser platform, thus making the page search engine friendly.
  • Better Maintenance – A web master has to update only one URL, thus saving time on development of a duplicate web page for mobile site. This not only reduces maintenance, but also offers cost and time savings.
  • Auto re-sizable images – The images are fluid in nature and resize according the delivery platform.
  • Faster page loads – Normally, the unified pages offer faster load times as there won’t be any re-directions to mobile web page as was the case with conventional design. By using techniques like caching, the pages loads could become faster.
  • Improved SEO and better analytics – a unified website is SEO friendly and one can have better web statistics about the page

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About Certexams.com: The website offer Netsims, ExamSims, and Labsims for various IT skills, including Networking, Computer hardware/operating systems, and computer security.