CBT, short for Computer Based Test, has replaced traditional paper-pen test in most cases. In CBT, a candidate answers the test on a personal computer (PC) using the keyboard and mouse to “flip through” and “answer” your test questions that appear on a computer monitor. Usually most of the computer based tests are MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) wherein the candidate is required to find the best answer(s). Most of the educational institutes and test centers have adopted CBT in one form or the other to provide administer candidate evaluation. Some of the most prominent organizations and government bodies that had adopted CBT for testing are GED (General Educational Development), USMLE, GRE, TOEFL, JEE (India), NEET (India), IBHRE, CCNA, Nursing exams, and others.
Benefits of Computer Based Testing:
- Computer based tests may be conducted with more integrity at pre-audited test centers with little over-head. The tests are conducted over a fixed length of time, and therefore it is easy to schedule the tests.
- Universities, colleges, and organizations can get faster test results as most of the computer based tests are automatically evaluated. This helps in expediting the process with less turn-around time, whether it is term evaluations or admissions to various courses.
- Computer based testing is offered year-round in most locations.
- The testing environment is more comfortable to the assessee as well as the assessor. There is no physical movement of question papers, or answer papers is involved.
- Tests may be organized at various points of time and administered in batches. The test-takers could be given time slots for scheduling the exams according to their convenience.
- Essay type questions may also be provided by using appropriate word processing software plug-in.
- A tutorial or a short lesson may be used to make the test-takers familiar with the computer testing.
- Costs – It usually costs less compared with paper-pen based tests in long run, though initial costs of procuring the hardware and necessary software are slightly high.
- It is possible to provide rich media type questions that embed picture/sound/video, if required. For example, USMLE (short for United States Medical Licensing Exam) tests consists of audio and video presentations in the CBT.
- CBT test results, as pointed out, are available instantly after completion of the test in most cases. This ensures quicker turn-around time.
- Remote administration: It is possible to remotely administer a Computer Based Exam. For example, Vie/Prometric have test centers all around the world and conduct several exams using remote monitoring.
CertExams.com CBT Software provides one such platform where one can administer computer based exam using the software. The software is rich in features such as support for different question types, bookmarking, statistics, and customization. The software consists of Exam Engine, and Author Module. The Exam Engine is responsible delivering the exam, whereas Author Module is used by the author to prepare the exam material. Check out the Certexams.com Exam Engine and the Author Software and download Free demo exam software of the CBT Software. The software is also available in Android App for CBT and LAAS for use with smart phones and tablet PCs.