Exam Simulator, an advanced version of older computer based practice tests, is used for simulating a computer based exam such as Cisco CCNA, GRE, or TOEFL. The simulator provides not only the accurate exam environment while a candidate is taking the test, it also enables the candidate to learn the concepts, advanced topics as required by the actual exam, and keep track of the progress made. Many times, a computer based exam consists of more than simple MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions). For example, Cisco’s CCNA (short for Cisco Certified network Associate) exam consists of MCQs, Drag-n-Drop, Simlets, Testlets, and Router Simulation type questions. A good exam simulator simulates all such use cases so that the user is thoroughly prepared for writing the actual exam. Typically, an exam simulator has the following features:
- Replicates the actual exam environment including navigation and timers
- Provides questions that are within the stated exam objectives and close to the actual exam questions in difficulty level. Here, the depth of the questions being asked is the key. A good exam simulator will have similar depth as that of the actual exam questions.
- Provide conceptual understanding of the topics involved in the exam by use of flash cards or references.
- Provide on line update to the question bank
- Offer feedback option to the user to send feedback on a given questions and also make notes
- Bookmark a question for later review
- Review wrongly answered questions at a later time, or better take another test just by using wrongly answered questions.
- Save test results for review at a later date and compare the progress
- Provide plenty of questions so that all possible types of questions in the actual exam are covered adequately.
- Provide online activation and immediate issuance of license after purchase so that one can make use of the exam sim without losing any time.
- Support system: it is important to have after sale support system for adequate customer support before and after purchase.
The exam simulators offered by CertExams.com support most, if not all of the said attributes. The CCNA Exam Sim supports MCQs, Testlets, Simlets, and Router Simulations. Exam sims available from Certexams.com include CCNA Examsim with Netsim, CCENT Examsim, CCNP Examsim, Comptia A+ Examsim, Network+ Examsim, and several others. Certexams.com is a brand website of Anand Software and Training, and not affiliated with Cisco Systems or Compita or any other company. Check out the website for more information on available products and services.