Releases Juniper JNCIA Practice Exams

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Juniper JNCIA practice, leading exam simulations provider, recently released Juniper® JNCIA JN0-103 practice exams conforming to the latest exam objectives. As you might be aware, the Juniper Associate exam has been revised from JN0-102 to JN0-103 recently. The exam topics for the revised cert are given below:

  1. Junos OS Fundamentals:
    1. Identifying the concepts, benefits or functionality of the core elements of the Junos OS
    2. Software architecture, Control and forwarding planes
    3. Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine
    4. Transit traffic processing and Exception traffic
  2. User Interfaces  
    1. Identifying the concepts, operation or functionality of the Junos user interface, CLI functionality, modes, navigation and help.
    2. Active versus candidate configuration
    3. Reverting to previous configurations
    4. Modifying, managing, and saving configuration files
    5. Viewing, comparing, and loading configuration files
    6. J-Web (core/common functionality only)
  3. Configuration Basics
    1. Identifying the main elements for configuring Junos devices, Factory-default state, Initial configuration.
    2. User accounts, Login classes, and User authentication methods
    3. Interface types and properties and Configuration groups
    4. Additional initial configuration elements, such as NTP, SNMP, and syslog
    5. Configuration archival, logging and tracing
    6. Rescue configuration
    7. Describe how to configure basic components of a Junos device
  4. Operational Monitoring and Maintenance
    1. Identifying methods of monitoring or maintaining Junos devices,
    2. Show and Monitor commands
    3. Interface statistics and errors
    4. Network tools, such as ping, traceroute, telnet, SSH, and so on
    5. Junos OS installation and upgrades
    6. Powering on and shutting down Junos devices
    7. Root password recovery
    8. Describe monitoring or maintenance procedures for a Junos device
  5. Routing Fundamentals
    1. Identifying basic routing concepts or functionality for Junos devices
    2. Traffic forwarding concepts
    3. Routing tables, Routing versus forwarding tables, Route preference, Routing instances, and Static routing
    4. Advantages of and use cases for dynamic routing protocols
    5. Describe how to configure or monitor basic routing elements for a Junos device
  6. Routing Policy and Firewall Filters
    1. Identifying the concepts or functionality of routing policy and firewall filters on Junos devices
    2. Default routing policies
    3. Import and export policies
    4. Routing policy flow
    5. Effect of policies on routes and routing tables
    6. Policy structure and terms, Policy match criteria, match types, and actions
    7. Firewall filter concepts, Filter structure and terms, Filter match criteria and actions, Effect of filters on packets
    8. Unicast reverse-path-forwarding (RPF)
    9. Describe how to configure or monitor routing policies and firewall filters on a Junos device

The practice tests consist of 300+ questions with detailed answers. The question types include multiple choice questions, drag and drop, hotspot, etc. and provide actual exam environment to the candidate.

Other Juniper product available is Juniper® JUNOS Netsim, that provides hands-on practice on juniper devices in a virtual environment. Several ready to use labs are provided for easy understanding of the concepts and getting acquainted with frequently used commands.

About The website offers practice tests and lab simulators for various certification exams, including Comptia® A+, Cisco CCNA, and others.

Disclaimer: is not associated with Junier Systems® or any other company. Juniper JNCIA® is a trademark of Juniper Systems and duly acknowledged. Updates Juniper Netsim for JNCIA (JUNOS)

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Juniper Netsim for, leading netsim provideer, recently updated Juniper Network Simulator with Designer for JNCIA to include more labs. The recent labs include the following:

  • Connectivity check between Router and workstations
  • Pinging between two workstations
  • Pinging between two workstations on different subnet
  • Tracing route from workstation to router
  • Creating DHCP pool on EX series switches
  • Configure DHCP Server for multiple vlans in EX series switches
  • Vlan Scenario
  • Troubleshooting Lab with trunk functionality
  • Routing between vlans and ping test

The available labs may be viewed by going to

To download the software, please visit Juniper Netsim Download page.

Related products;

About Juniper Netsim for JNCIA: The software provides a virtual networking environment with virtual routers, switches, and other networking components. Using the software, one should not only be able to run the existing ready made labs, but also design (using GUI configuration tool), configure and simulate a network. The software provides an affordable alternative to learn Juniper IOS commands and configuration without the need for any external hardware or software. There is no need for any JUNOS software to run the program as all the functionality like routing, STP, etc. is built into the software natively, the only limitation being the number of commands available for use. The software is specifically developed to help new comers desirous of learning networking using routers and switches.

About The website provides network simulators and exam sims for various certifications including Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCDA; Comptia A+, Network+, Juniper JNCIA, and others. We also offer labsims for Comptia A+ and Network+. Please visit the website for more information and available products.

Disclaimer: is neither associated nor affiliated with Juniper Systems® or any other company. Junos™ and JNCIA™ is trademarks of Juniper Systems® and duly acknowledged. The Simulator lab exercises material is a copyright of and the same is not approved or endorsed by respective certifying bodies.