Certexams.com Comptia® A+ Labsim Update

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Certexams.com has recently updated Comptia A+ Labs to include more labs and fixed a few bugs. The lab simulator consists of several ready made labs for practice and intended for candidates preparing for Comptia A+ Certification exam. The labs cover broad topics like computer hardware, motherboards, Windows 10 operating system, computer security among other things.

Comptia A+ Labsim Features:

  • Lab exercises -currently 50+ labs are included.
  • The demo version is limited to a fewer labs, and upto global configuration mode is supported in demo version.
  • Various types of labs including hot spot and drag n drop
  • Detailed help files that provide step by step instructions on using the simulator have been provided.

Other Labsims available: Comptia Network+ Labsim that conforms to the Network+ exam topics.

About Certexams.com: The website offers various practice tests, network simulators and lab simulators. The website is owned by anand software and training and not affiliated with any other company. Comptia A+®  is trade mard of Comptia®  Organization.