Chennai – Inundated in Water Due to Heavy Rains and Floods

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Chennai, the capital of TamilNadu, India has been submerged in water due to incessant rains and floor waters for the past several days. Millions of people rendered homeless due to these rains as most parts of the city of 10+ millions has taken about 1200 mm of rains during the past few days, a record in about 100 years.

Chennai airport has been closed for the past few days, and is not likely to open anytime soon. See a few aircraft submerged in water here.


The floods have submerged several parts of the city, and people have climbed to the roof tops to save themselves from the heavy flood of water. People are being moved to safer places in boats, see pic below:

See birds view of the City of Chennai flooded due to heavy rains and subsequent floods:
Chennai floods -- Birds view

We wish the people of affected parts of the state a full and fast recovery!