CertExams.com Releases CCNA Practice Exams for Android

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CertExams.com released CCNA exam for android, Check out the link below:

Now it is possible to buy one test at a time, rather than buying all the tests in one go. The free version will have 60 questions with answers and flash card explanation. Each test will have 125 questions, and one can buy one test at a time using inapp purchase option.

Upcoming Changes to Exam Engine

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Simulationexams.com is in the process of implementing a few changes to its exam engine that are expected to improve the user experience. The proposed changes to the exam engine include Full Screen view, night mode, and text highlighting. Check out the exam simulator below:
The software has gone to the test bench, and should be completed in a couple of days. We found a few bugs with the coding, and fixing the same. Expected release date 21/4/2017.

Whats New: Check out our android app for CCNA. Surprisingly, it the most highly rated app for CCNA in Google app store! Congrats to the CCNA team here!!

If you don’t want to buy the app, there is a free version here:

Only difference being the number of questions provided in free app is limited to 60 (one practice exam only), where as the full app has as many as 5!!

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